
You Think…We Create

5 tips to choose a diary that’s right for you

Custom Corporate-Gifts Suppliers in Coimbatore-New Year Diary

Custom Corporate-Gifts Suppliers in Coimbatore-New Year Diary

There are five key factors to take into account when selecting a planner or diary.

These five items have to do with the intended use of your diary.

My client, a professional organizer, is focused on making sure the system, procedure, or storage we set up functions for them. The same applies to diaries; they must be appropriate for the purposes for which they are intended.

1. LAYOUT (eg: day to a page, appointments, week to a page)
  • Are you going to use it for notes throughout the day (perhaps a day to a page, A4 size so you have room for your notes)?
  • Is the diary only for appointments? Consider the length of the appointment.
  • Do you want to see the entire week in order to get the flow right?
  • Is it too much to think about the entire week?
2. SIZE – do you need to take size into consideration
  • Will you be carrying the diary around with you – will A4, day to a page be too heavy? A5 or even pocket size may be easier to transport.
  • Will the diary be sitting on your desk all day, so size (and weight) aren’t as important?
  • Is the appearance of the planner important to you?
  • What color do you want, and what kind of binding do you want? (I have a spiral bound diary because I like to lay my diary flat on the desk.)
  • Do you like to be creative and color code appointments, or do you prefer to bullet journal as shown above?
  • Are you just buying for yourself and can splurge a little more, or
  • Are you buying for the entire company and must stick to a budget?
  • Do you want to record Goals and Projects?
  • Do you need to keep track of your tasks?
  • Do you intend to use it as a life planner as well?

The Benkinida Website has a tool to select your diaries by your personal preferences. Here’s the link

Considering the 5 tips above will help you choose the right diary for you.

What sort of diary do you use? Perhaps you’re a digital person, or use a combination below – I’d love to hear your thoughts

Don’t forget to check out The Benkindia Website too.

Custom Corporate-Gifts Suppliers in Coimbatore-New Year Diary Manufacturer in Coimbatore-Notebook Diary Supplier in Coimbatore,Covai,Diary
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